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WEAVING: Small Tools

NEEDLES — The first two listed below are steel, blunt, also called tapestry needles. The next is hardwood, with a rectangular cross-section. The stole needle is blunt steel. The rest of the needles are very sharp ones, in various lengths.
TRIMMER SHEAR — All steel, a handy thread clipper.
WARPING PADDLE — A small plastic hole-and-slot (ten of each) reed set into a plastic handle.
LINEN TESTER MAGNIFIER — A calibrated magnifier. For weaving, used to check sett (it has many other applications). Working field is 1" x 1", 5X power.
SCHACHT ROPE MACHINE — Feed in strings or yarns—and crank out rope. Use your left-over bits to make plied belts, handles, mitten strings, materials for coiled baskets.
LECLERC FRINGE TWISTER — This handy little device plies a fringed edge. Clamp several threads into each clip and crank till the threads start to kink. Un-clamp ends and knot.
Tapestry combs and bobbins, reed and heddle hooks, have their own pages. Go back to the "Weaving: Introduction" page to find them.

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Item code put-up $
6+, $
qty est ship wt ea
Blunt Needle/Stole 5 in. (Bates) weBN05 ea 1.90 1.80 0.0
Linen Tester Magnifier 5x Power 1in tsLT51 ea 26.00 24.18 0.4
Needle 2-1/4 Blunt tsBN21 ea 0.85 0.80 0.0
Needle 2-3/4 Blunt tsBN23 ea 1.15 1.10 0.0
Needle 4 in. Sharp Steel tsSN04 ea 2.75 2.65 0.0
Needle 6 in. Sharp Steel tsSN06 ea 3.45 3.35 0.0
Needle 8 in. Sharp Steel tsSN08 ea 3.90 3.80 0.0
Needle 10 in. Sharp Steel tsSN10 ea 6.05 5.90 0.1
Needle 12 in. Sharp Steel tsSN12 ea 6.60 6.40 0.1
Needle 14 in. Sharp Steel tsSN14 ea 7.80 7.65 0.1
Warping Paddle weWPAD ea 34.00 33.15 2.0
Rope Machine Schacht weSRoP ea 67.00 65.33 2.0
Leclerc Fringe Twister, 2-clamps weCTWR ea 18.00 0.5
Leclerc Fringe Twister, 4-clamps weCTW4 ea 26.00 0.6
(Updated December 28, 2024)

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