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Asheville  NC  28801

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(OS)Weave Classic Crackle & More pbW204 34.99 2.0
Ashf Bk of Weaving Patterns 4 to 8 Shaft pbW202 28.50 1.0
Ashford Book Of Rigid Heddle Weaving pbW077 27.50 1.0
Card Weaving (book only) pbW045 26.99 3.0
F Goodrich's Brown Book of Weaving Dr pbW208 45.00 3.0
F Goodrichs Coverlet & Counterpane Dr pbW217 45.00 0.5
Handwoven Baby Blankets pbW224 21.95 0.0
Handwoven Home pbW220 26.99 1.0
Handwoven Table Linens pbW225 22.95 0.0
Handwoven Tape pbW218 24.99 0.5
Inventive Weaving On A Little Loom pbW094 29.95 2.0
Lace & Lacey Weaves pbW021 11.50 0.4
Potholder Loom Designs pbW228 16.99 1.5
Rigid Heddle Weaving- Basics and Beyond pbW227 39.90 1.5
The Handweaver's Pattern Directory pbW192 36.99 1.3
The Weaver's Idea Book- Rigid Heddle pbW201 29.95 0.0
The Weaver's Inkle Pattern Directory pbW205 29.95 2.0
Warp and Weave pbW083 30.00 0.0
Weaving As An Art Form pbW017 12.95 2.0
Weaving Rag Rugs pbW223 24.95 0.0
(Updated February 27, 2025)

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